I (female, 46) go to the dental hygienist every year. Over the last few years, she has mainly cleaned my teeth with ultrasound. I have the impression that tartar has built up faster than before. Could this have something to do with the ultrasonic cleaning? In general, I wonder whether ultrasonic cleaning is not much more aggressive than conventional manual cleaning? L. H. in H.
Short answer
Perfect daily tooth cleaning would theoretically prevent the formation of tartar. However, as this perfection is not usually achieved, tartar will form to varying degrees, even in people who clean their teeth regularly and well. Professional ultrasonic cleaning is gentler on the teeth than other methods.
The bacterial film (plaque), which begins to form again on the tooth surfaces within a few hours of brushing, will continue to grow thicker if it is not removed by regular brushing. Rough surfaces make it easier for bacteria to colonize. In most people, the accumulated plaque becomes hard: this is called tartar. It is primarily the composition of the saliva that determines how quickly tartar builds up.
Professional teeth cleaning necessary
Perfect daily cleaning of the tooth surfaces and interdental spaces would theoretically prevent the formation of tartar. However, as this perfection is not usually achieved, tartar will form to varying degrees, even in people who clean their teeth regularly and well.
Once tartar has formed, it can no longer be removed using conventional dental cleaning instruments (toothbrush, dental floss, etc.). It adheres too strongly to the tooth surfaces and regular professional help from a dentist or dental hygienist is therefore necessary to prevent possible damage.
Various instruments
These specialists use sharp scrapers by hand or mechanical instruments that vibrate at very high frequencies (ultrasound). This topic has been the subject of many scientific studies. They show that ultrasonic cleaning has the following advantages over manual instruments: 1. less healthy tooth substance is removed (and is therefore gentler on the teeth). 2. hydrodynamic turbulence is also generated, which also destroys bacteria that are not mechanically touched by the device. Bacteria are eliminated in the same way as with modern sonic toothbrushes. 3) Difficult to reach areas of the teeth can be better reached with ultrasound. 4. the constantly used rinsing liquid has an additional cleaning effect. Of course, all these instruments (manual and mechanical) must be used professionally and correctly. Incorrect handling can cause the tooth surface to become rougher, which, as mentioned at the beginning, accelerates the formation of tartar. Perhaps this has happened to you. I recommend a one-off professional polishing of the tooth and root surfaces so that the bacteria can initially adhere less well and tartar formation is less rapid.
Author: Dr. med. dent. Jürg Eppenberger
Published in: Neue Luzerner Zeitung on June 11, 2012