CEREC and amalgam replacement

CEREC and amalgam replacement at Dentistry Lucerne:
Modern solutions for long-lasting dental health

In today's fast-paced world, dentistry requires innovative approaches to provide patients with efficient and high-quality treatments. At Dentistry Lucerne, we pride ourselves on offering advanced technologies such as CEREC and safe alternatives to traditional amalgam.

Reconstructive dentistry with CEREC and amalgam replacement


State-of-the-art dental restorations in just one visit

CEREC stands for CEramic REConstruction and revolutionizes dental restoration technology. What used to require several appointments and a temporary restoration is now possible in just one visit. The advantages of CEREC are:

Amalgam replacement

Tooth-colored and durable composite restorations

While amalgam was the main material for dental fillings for decades, many patients are now looking for more aesthetically pleasing and non-toxic alternatives. With Dentistry Lucerne we offer:

CEREC and amalgam filling in comparison


Dentistry Lucerne: Your partner for modern dentistry

Whether you are interested in CEREC technology or want to replace amalgam fillings, our team will provide you with the best possible care. We are committed to not only giving you a beautiful smile, but also to maintaining your overall oral health.

Personal support
We would like to welcome you as a person, not just as a set of teeth.
Flexible scheduling
We are also available outside regular opening hours by prior arrangement.
Modern technologies
We use the latest technologies to provide you with precise diagnostics and the best possible treatment.
Many years of experience
We have many years of treatment experience and focus on continuous further training.
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