Pain medicine

Early clarification for a pain-free life

Pain that radiates to the jaw, face or head can not only significantly affect comfort, but can also indicate underlying health problems. Early diagnosis and intervention, particularly by a specialist dentist, can not only help to relieve pain but also significantly improve your quality of life.

Why specialized clarification is important

Correct diagnosis is the first step to relief. An expert assessment can help identify the exact cause of pain and discomfort and determine the best treatment approach.

Temporomandibular joint problems

Whether it's teeth grinding, clenching, jaw joint noises or an impaired mouth opening - we help you to achieve a healthy chewing system.


Diffuse pain and tension in the neck and shoulder area can be caused by an incorrect bite.

Sleep complaints

Sleep and snoring problems can be improved with the help of specialized splints.

Why you should choose dentistry Lucerne

Personal support
We would like to welcome you as a person, not just as a set of teeth.
Flexible scheduling
We are also available outside regular opening hours by prior arrangement.
Modern technologies
We use the latest technologies to provide you with precise diagnostics and the best possible treatment.
Many years of experience
We have many years of treatment experience and focus on continuous further training.
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Your journey to dental health with Dentistry Lucerne

Contact us today to schedule your first visit and take the first step towards a lifetime of dental health.