Why do teeth become increasingly unsightly, i.e. less white, with age? What can you do about the discoloration without having to go to the dentist straight away?
Short answer
The fact that teeth become duller, yellower or browner with age is a natural, internal dental process. There are foods that can accelerate the discoloration of teeth, especially if they are not cleaned properly. In addition to regular professional tooth cleaning, there are two products that can be used at home: Abrasive toothpastes and tray agents
With increasing age, the tooth substance in the middle of the crown becomes denser and denser. As a result, the tooth nerve retracts further and further into the root from the crown, which is visible to us. As a result, the tooth increasingly reflects the light differently and appears duller, yellower or browner to us - this is a natural process within the tooth.
Tooth-staining foods. Dark substances in food and luxury foods (coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine, etc.) are also deposited on the tooth surface from the outside. If daily oral hygiene is inadequate, they can adhere very firmly to the tooth surface and even penetrate into the upper layers of the tooth surface. We could also prevent these discolorations between the teeth with perfect oral hygiene three times a day. We all know that this is very difficult and can often only be achieved with the necessary perfection through professional dental cleaning at the dentist. In addition to regular professional teeth cleaning, there are two methods you can use yourself:
Abrasive toothpastes.
Abrasive toothpastes (with an abrasive effect) should be used with extreme caution, as such pastes also remove the tooth material itself. Especially in the case of exposed root surfaces (tooth necks), which occur in almost all older people, the use of abrasive toothpastes quickly removes too much substance. Tooth sensitivity is a clear sign of this. The abrasive effect of toothpastes is determined by the so-called RDA value. The higher the RDA value, the greater the abrasive effect. whitening toothpastes often have high RDA values (over 80). For exposed tooth necks, the following applies: Daily toothpaste with an RDA value below 50, at most once a week with abrasive paste (RDA maximum 130). Without exposed tooth necks: Daily toothpaste with RDA below 80, without further measures. Unfortunately, the RDA value is not always indicated on the tubes. However, your dentist will be able to advise you, and there are also RDA tables on the Internet.
Teeth whitening is the gentlest method. The cheapest and most efficient method in the long term is bleaching that you can do yourself at home (home bleaching). It is important that you have your dentist produce a well-fitting carrier foil that you can use again and again. Once you have applied a bleaching agent, you can wear the foil for an hour every day. After 14 days, your teeth - but not fillings or crowns - should appear significantly lighter. Repeating the treatment three times an hour every 6 months will maintain the lighter color. The cost of the foil and bleaching agent is approx. 500. For the following years, you will only need to buy new bleaching agent.
Author: Dr. med. dent. Jürg Eppenberger
Published in: Neue Luzerner Zeitung on April 23, 2012